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books for anxious children


The Worry Box: A Picture Book for Comforting Anxious Children

Image Courtesy of Tiger Tales Books.   Comforting Anxious Children’s Soothing Story #5 By Janis D. Gioia, MAEd. Anxious kids worry.  Usually quite a bit and often before bed, which makes bedtime, worry time. They have little worries, big worries, and in-between worries. For…

February 19, 2019
mom and daughter reading together

10 Tips for Reading to Comfort an Anxious Child

By Janis D. Gioia, MAEd. Books have the ability to calm and comfort children with anxiety, autism spectrum, depression and other mental health challenges and disabilities. Sometimes clinicians, parents and teachers use bibliotherapy. Bibliotherapy books help a child through a difficult time (grief, hospitalization,…

October 27, 2017