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Calming Anxious Children with Essential Oils and Soothing Rituals

By Janis D. Gioia, MAEd Anxious children need soothing rituals. They need things to be constant, predictable. Especially children with autism spectrum disorders. Like a sunrise or a rainbow after a summer storm, soothing rituals are beautiful, special and sacred. Soothing rituals are a moment…

May 7, 2018
Essential oils for anxious children
Body Mind Spirit

How to Use Essential Oils with Anxious Children

By Janis D. Gioia, MAEd.   Ever wish you had a magic potion to instantly comfort anxious children? Kristin Anderson does. This mom and doula in Mantua, Ohio has found a way to capture calm in a bottle. And it relaxes her daughters, ages…

March 5, 2018