Holiday Anxiety and Anxious Kids: Ways to Help Children with Anxiety Disorders and Autism Have Happier Holidays

By Janis D. Gioia, MAEd. Holiday anxiety. You probably began feeling it with the first Black Friday commercial. The anticipation and dread of what lies ahead: buying gifts, cooking holiday meals, entertaining and decorating. And while children may not exactly be doing these things, they sense the nervous energy. Unfortunately, your kids are not immune from holiday anxiety. All children, but especially those with anxiety disorders and autism spectrum disorders are prone to feeling anxious and out of control this time of year. The chaos of a season supposed to be bright and merry often leaves children with feelings that are overwhelming and scary. Things seem out of control at home, and they are often on a holiday break from school where at least their routine is more predictable. For ideas on helping kids with holiday anxiety at school read:  10 Ways to Reduce Anxiety in the Classroom at the Holidays. Here are some tips to soothe children with anxiety, autism and other special needs as they navigate the “big” holidays:  Thanksgiving, Christmas and New Year’s. Stressor: Traveling across town or across the country. Navigating crowded airports is never fun, especially for a child with anxiety disorders or autism. Ideally you … Continue reading Holiday Anxiety and Anxious Kids: Ways to Help Children with Anxiety Disorders and Autism Have Happier Holidays